Colors Of Romania
Widest range of authentic traditional instruments and music styles from Romania
This fantastic Pack highlights the widest range of authentic traditional instruments and music styles from Romania, which have been created through deep collaboration with experienced Romanian musicians. Explore the colorful sounds of Cymbalon-driven Romanian Folk – you will enjoy a complete new world of vivid music in your Yamaha Keyboard.
Voices including: CymbalonOpen | AccBandoneon | Panflute Air| Balkan Clarinet | Braci Spiccato | and more!
Styles including: Estam | Batuta | Hora | Doina | Manea | and more!
PLEASE NOTE: Contents may vary depending on the models.
New Voices and Styles packs are being delivered as encrypted data. You must use Yamaha Expansion Manager (YEM) to create a pack install file to load this pack into your instrument.