Nog meer bedieningsmogelijkheden: handsfree
Yamaha biedt twee Alexa-skills die gecombineerd een ruime keuze aan spraakbedieningsmogelijkheden bieden, waardoor je zowel één enkel MusicCast-product als een volledig MusicCast-systeem kunt aansturen.
*De beschikbaarheid van skills verschilt per regio.

MusicCast Smart Home-skill
Gestandaardiseerde Alexa-opdrachten voor de meest gebruikte bedieningsfuncties
Aangepaste opdrachten die verbeterde en unieke bedieningsmogelijkheden bieden voor MusicCast-functies
MusicCast Smart Home-skill -algemene opdrachten-
MusicCast-skill -aangepaste opdrachten-
"Alexa, turn on the Kitchen."
"Alexa, ask MusicCast to turn on the Kitchen." "Alexa, ask MusicCast to turn off all rooms."
Volume omhoog/omlaag
"Alexa, volume up in the Kitchen."
"Alexa, ask MusicCast to turn volume up in the Kitchen." "Alexa, ask MusicCast to turn the group volume down in the Kitchen"
"Alexa, set volume to 30 in the Kitchen."
"Alexa, ask MusicCast to set volume to 30 in the Kitchen." "Alexa, ask MusicCast to set group volume to 30 in the Kitchen."
"Alexa, pause in the Kitchen."
"Alexa, ask MusicCast to pause in the Kitchen."
"Alexa, next in the Kitchen."
"Alexa, ask MusicCast to skip song in the Kitchen."
Mute aan/Mute uit
"Alexa, mute the Kitchen."
"Alexa, ask MusicCast to mute the Kitchen." "Alexa, ask MusicCast to mute all rooms."
"Alexa, select HDMI 1 in the Living Room."
"Alexa, ask MusicCast to switch input to HDMI 1 in the Living Room."
Additional MusicCast Smart Home Skills for Models 2018 and newer
Start playing
"Alexa, play music in the kitchen." "Alexa, play music from [Streaming service] in the kitchen." "Alexa, play [Genre ・ Song Name ・ Station Name ・etc…] from [Streaming service] in the kitchen."
"Alexa, pause." "Alexa, stop." "Alexa, pause the kitchen." "Alexa, stop music in the kitchen."
"Alexa, play." "Alexa, play in the kitchen." "Alexa, resume." "Alexa, resume in the kitchen."
Start over
"Alexa, start over." "Alexa, start over in the kitchen." "Alexa, restart." "Alexa, restart in the kitchen."
"Alexa, skip." "Alexa, skip in the kitchen." "Alexa, next." "Alexa, next in the kitchen."
"Alexa, previous." "Alexa, previous in the kitchen."
"Alexa, rewind." (30 seconds if not specified)" "Alexa, rewind in the kitchen." "Alexa, rewind [1minute・10 seconds]." "Alexa, rewind [1minute・10 seconds] in the kitchen."
Fast forward
"Alexa, fast forward." (30 seconds if not specified) "Alexa, fast forward in the kitchen." "Alexa, fast forward [1minute・10 seconds]." "Alexa, fast forward [1minute・10 seconds] in the kitchen."
Shuffle on/off
"Alexa, shuffle on." "Alexa, shuffle on in the kitchen."
Thumbs up/down
"Alexa, thumbs up."
Loop on/off
"Alexa, loop on." "Alexa, loop on in the kitchen."
Actions on Google

Bedien MusicCast met je stem via je Google Home- of Mini-apparaat.
Gebruik actie opdrachten om handsfree je kamers aan elkaar te koppelen en je favoriete muziek af te spelen, het volume te regelen, je favoriete streamingdiensten te gebruiken en ga zo maar door.
*De beschikbaarheid van Actions on Google verschilt per regio.
Actie opdrachten
"Ok Google, talk to MusicCast to turn on the Kitchen." "Ok Google, talk to MusicCast to turn off all rooms."
Volume omhoog/omlaag
"Ok Google, talk to MusicCast to turn up the volume in the Kitchen." "Ok Google, talk to MusicCast to turn down the group volume in the Kitchen."
"Ok Google, talk to MusicCast to set volume to 30 in the Kitchen." "Ok Google, talk to MusicCast to set group volume to 30 in the Kitchen."
"Ok Google, talk to MusicCast to pause in the Kitchen."
"Ok Google, talk to MusicCast to skip song in the Kitchen."
Mute aan/Mute uit
"Ok Google, talk to MusicCast to mute the Kitchen." "Ok Google, talk to MusicCast to mute all rooms."
"Ok Google, talk to MusicCast to switch input to HDMI 1 in the Living Room."
* This list of examples was tested and confirmed to be working as of December of 2020.