Juan Diego Sáez Miranda

With a network of Artist Centres and Ateliers around the world, Yamaha works with leading players to support their performances and develop instrument designs and new ideas for the benefit of all musicians. Yamaha Artists share with us a passion for inspiring the next generation of players, and a belief that everybody should be encouraged to nurture their talent, connect with others and tell their stories through music.
Get to know saxophone player and Yamaha Artist Juan Diego Sáez Miranda
How does your instrument improve your daily life as a musician?
It is easy to use, versatile and very satisfying to play when working on the technical and expressive aspects of any type of repertoire.
What are the most outstanding features of your instrument?
What stands out for me is how easy it is to use in terms of timbre, tuning, flexibility and register control. It is a high-quality, well-designed instrument that allows for supremely comfortable fingering positions and handling. It also produces an amazing sound, with truly extraordinary volume and projection, and a characteristic softness throughout the dynamic range.
When did you first come across Yamaha?
I first came across the brand about 20 years ago with the Yamaha YAS-25, which I still have to this day, when I was learning to play the saxophone as a student. I have since used other brands, but at the beginning of 2019, when I was looking to upgrade my instrument, I had the opportunity to try out several different models and then got hold of a YAS-875EXS with a gold crook, which I fell in love with. A few months after I bought it, Yamaha contacted me and offered me the opportunity to be part of this great family.
Which musician has influenced you the most in your music career? Are you still following any of their pieces of advice?
It would be difficult to single out just one, as I have mentors from both the world of classical music and the world of flamenco. One quote that I always keep in mind when I make music is something I heard from the brilliant singer Camarón de la Isla: "There are only two paths in music: to communicate or not to communicate". Above all, I try to express moods and emotions.
What advice would you give to a musician who is just starting out in their career?
I would tell them to listen to a lot of music and not to close themselves off to any one particular genre. They should enjoy every stage of their musical development and be willing to share it with others, whether on stage or at a casual get-together, to take risks and not be afraid of making mistakes. In other words, they should enjoy the opportunities and experiences they have through music.
About Juan Diego Sáez Miranda
Juan Diego Sáez Miranda is providing a voice for the saxophone in the world of flamenco music. Besides his love for flamenco, he plays classical music and teaches at the Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Córdoba "Músico Ziryab".
Juan Diego plays Yamaha's Custom YAS-875EXS and YSS-875EXHGS saxophones.